Dog Agility Rescue League Trophy Cabinet

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Charlie Marise of Vynor 
BAA 9.12 UnA-Novice Jumping Bretford - 9 July KC-Helter Skelter Jumping Bretford - 9 July KC-Open Jumping
EMDAC - 14.10 UnA-Helter Skelter Jumping EMDAC April UnA-Starters Jumping EMDAC May UnA-Starters Agility
Harlequin UnA-Starters Agility Letchworth - 3/9 KC-Helter Skelter Jumping PADS - 3/6/06 KC-Novice Jumping
PADS - 3/6/06 KC-Intermediate  Jumping Ribble KC-Intermediate  Jumping

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